If you are looking for deeper insights into your yoga practice, let's dive in. Private practice is a great way to view the potential that is there for you in a structured, supported environment.
I have studied with master adjusters from all over the world. My private session has been described as a "challenging class, combined with a Thai massage." In a private session, you are truly seen and together we work to unlock your potential. $200
If you are a teacher looking to sharpen your practice or a regular practitioner looking something other than the typical vinyasa. I also provide cue coaching for teachers in training looking for a sacred geometry point of view. Expect an intense hour. $150
"You didn't come here to stay the same." my teacher reminded me. When you are ready for change, you just know it. Years ago, I radically changed myself through a dedicated yoga practice losing 65 pounds, found equanimity in life, and found my true calling. If you are committed, then I will commit with you to you year of transformation. $50,000.