What do you think it’s like to work with me?

My soul feels like it got a powerwash.

No joke, I was in 5 years of therapy, 2 times a week. After working with you for only a few months, I have seen profound benefits and worth more than I paid for all of that (previous) therapy.
— Bridget - New York, NY
Josh is a fucking ninja.

You saved my life. Like actually. I have been tormented by my mind for 30+ years. You saved me. Now I’m living in presence. Forever grateful dude.
— Jonah - Brooklyn, NY
Josh is pure magic.
He is keenly observant, broadly knowledgable, and deeply compassionate. He finds emotions caught up in the way the body moves and brings gentle attention and insight to the process of working with body / mind / spirit. In the wake of our session, I found it easier to access a flow state in both my work and personal life.
— Cindy - Los Angeles, California
I’ve worked with Josh on and off for several years for different issues. I usually come to him with some mysterious body pains, and he’s quickly unwinding my body and emotions through a process of observation, movement, exercises, breath, and sometimes laughter and crying.

It is hard to put a title on Josh’s practice; he brings a lifetime of experience, body knowledge, and practice, but his gift is reintroducing one to an ancient intuitive dance that frees the body from pain.
— Rachel - Brooklyn, NY

What do I think it’s like to work with me?

It has been developing and I will always be figuring it out, but when asked the question of what I do, I often look as if I am also asking the same question of myself? 

When I have visions of what I do, from a historical birds eye view, I often feel like the owner of a tavern in the 1700s in the east or an outpost in the west in the 1800s. I have experience of where the traveler is heading and some rough sketches of a map, but for the most part I know the terrain is in flux. I feel like an outfitter or guide to the void, or places to be traveled that have no visible triangulation points. I find purchase in the emotional ether, cairns in the cosmos, and share notes. The Bar in Star Wars or Douglas Adams the restaurant at the end of the universe, I’m a Way Station.

I polish glasses and cook you a meal while you tell me your stories. I can converse in almost anything, because I am at one with The Nothing. In some ways I’m a doula to the gate of death and life. I will help you die to your patterns and I will help you find the footholds in the uncertainty of your new life.  

How does it work?

When someone meets me for the first time I build within me the setting of a quantum reality for the client where all possibilities can exist. Over the course of time, the inputs from my client will start to build a narrative direction and I process the data through all possibilities. I also am able to point out where a narrative is self limiting and will ask why this pattern or belief is important to hold. 

At some point the client joins me in the quantum computer and we both see all the possibilities together. We can call that union “knowing the unadorned Self.” This often comes with profound, yet simple revelations and possible pathways.

Now what?

Once we know the Self, we enter the Now What phase. Where we build a narrative direction towards the target of the client’s choosing. Taking steps towards a not yet manifested reality, building substance and confidence with each step, each thought, and each decision from the unadorned imagination.

We build the client’s new world knowing:

  • Nothing is certain, therefore all knowledge is provisional.

  • The opposite of something is often true, therefore we make space for paradox.  

  • The ethereal and material world both exist, therefore we can dance with the cosmic giggle and we say we are sorry when we have hurt someone. We are one with the Mysteries and we still pay our rent.

  • What appears before us is affected by choices both local and non local. 

  • That the more we stand up for our heart, the more balance we will find when the foothold is uncertain.

Direct Experience Practice

This sets up a practice with direct experience. Where we move towards the place we are going, while reading the surroundings as we step. If we are always stepping into a changing world, the “Direct Experience” is a practice of always figuring it out.

No longer bound by certainty, the energy of holding onto old constructs is freed into the moment. This creates currency and fluency instead of stagnation and orthodoxy - hypoxia of keeping the old ways.   

“Sometimes like this. Sometimes, like, …this.” It’s often what I say to myself, when I am playing with removing extraneous efforts of practice. The body and mind both need repetition and novelty. So sometimes practice is measure, precision, accuracy, and sometimes my practice, is novelty, chaos, and unknowing. I also blend the two ends of the spectrum to find the gradations and possibilities between. 

The Holy Trinity

Once we know the unadorned self, and each action allows for all possibilities we have created the third thing or Holy Trinity of creation.

The math is funny.

It is either 1+1=1 1+1=3.

 1 (Here it is, the unadorned moment)

 +1 (Here I am, the unadorned Self)

= 1 (Unity, The new moment that I am creating, with the unadorned moment) 


=3 (Equally unified and equally separate. The trinity of the Self, The Moment, and our cocreation) 

“As Such, So”

This trinity for me can be distilled down to 3 words.

“As such, so”

We arrive “as such,” to meet the moment. The moment arrives “as such,” to meet us.

From this meeting there are options. We can enjoy the meeting of the moment, as it is, in its suchness, or the truth… that the meeting, is “So.” We can also be creators and say “As Such, So…” So now what? Now that the portal has been created, we can play with what comes through. We can guide new narratives into substantiality, we can coax imagination into matter, we can lead others into the wilds of uncertainty and build worlds that weave ether-gnosis into our storytelling tapestries.  

What do I do?

Today, I’m a storyteller. 

Who are my clients and what do they need?

My clients are going through a profound period of change. They are energetically sensitive and are probably in pain. My clients are in the midst of a deep awakening within themselves and they can feel the tide of their life changing. My clients are engaged in other forms of therapy or consistently keeping a practice of yoga. My clients are familiar or are becoming familiar with Kundalini Energy or Universal Consciousness. Or my clients have already experienced the deepest mystery and are working to get their body mind and spirit to start working together with this information. 

My clients need relief from old, unconscious patterns that cause pain and keep them from courageously creating. My clients need a guide into and back from deeper states of consciousness. My clients need a sustainable road map for the path forward. My clients need to train their nervous system to handle reconnecting to their inner magic.