Meditation on Quantum Considerations
I’ve been reading about quantum supremacy with great interest. Not just for the power and speed of quantum computing, or that these computers will be able to crack multi-tiered-encryption. (I am sure all the skeleton will be excavated from my crypt).
What interests me is the most basic part of the computer’s function and the structure needed to house the qubits, the transmons, and the chips.
Ordinary computing works well with our brains that live in time and space defined with certainty. Things are or are not, God doesn’t play dice with reality or at least that’s how it seemed to Einstein. (Yoga Maya) It’s a simple yes or no. On or off. Right or wrong.
Quantum Computing allows for yes and no to exist in the same space until they are measured. Yes and No are married and live undisturbed and unjudged. (Samadhi)
As soon as the observation is made the qubit delivers the measurement. (Judgement)
What is needed for these qubits to be able to remain conflict free in their marriage of opposites? Absolute stillness, absolute cold (almost absolute zero) and protection from being seen and therefore defined. (Direct Inquiry Meditation a la Krishnamurti)
The parallels seem obvious. The power that stillness achieved in self-realization are now being seen in the computing world.
Go Science! Go Religion! Go Magic! Go Mystery!
Maybe they can all be married in a qubit.
post script: This weekend I attended a workshop led by Matt Phippen. His work is so important for those wanting more tools in their mechanical tool box. After the first workshop, I was discussing with him quantum theory and how I apply it within my yoga teaching and how I recognized it within his work. You will feel super powerful (quantum supremacy) and probably sore after working with Matt. Highest Recommendation.