Contemplation on the mundane within the laws of physics:
Every action we take has an equal and opposite reaction. If one is a believer in Source or God or insert deity name here __________, it also stands to “reason” that every quotidian happening is Divine.
Putting aside quantum arguments against Free Will, let’s say we have some say in what we do. The choice to brush our teeth, the choice to be polite, the choice to stand up for the disrespected, the choice of which path we take, the choice to tune in or tune out.
“Quotidian: of or occurring every day, daily
ordinary or everyday, especially when mundane.
Most of what we do is not rational (just ask Science). Our day is mostly quotidian pattern repetition. That’s not a good or bad thing. It’s just a thing that plays in our meso-conscious field.
If one believes in co-creating your reality with The Divine or if one believes in increasing odds in the probability of life. It stands to reason that a meditation on the quotidian is likely just as valuable as meditation on the transcendent… In fact, I'm not sure there’s a difference.