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Why Worry, Couch Yoga

Why Worry, Couch Yoga

Today’s Class was yoga on the couch (or chair, or side of the mattress). It was suggested using a firmer seat if you don’t like mushy pushes on you downdogs. (I always love getting notes on what works and what doesn’t). Optional needs for class a bunch of pillows, a blanket, yoga blocks, meditation cushion, and a strap.

Here was a poem for class:


this all ends

why worry

at some point we see the arc

why worry

get a headache trying to remember, a stomach ache hoarding the good, a back ache fighting the bad

why worry

helicopter parenting our ideas, just like our children, BOTH learn from falling

why worry

perfection-hubris, selfish distraction, slap on the name tag: thoughtfulness

why worry

Spring Equinox Class

Spring Equinox Class

