Investments Over Time

Everything we do has an echo or repercussion in the future. In a sense it’s an investment. 

As much as the things we do, the things we don’t do also send an echo wave forward. In a sense it’s like deciding not to invest. 

Compounding interest. 

Riding Lawn Mower

During that four hours, I was thinking about how much we try to make our lives easier and more convenient. We constantly try to remove work, only to then pay for a gym or an instructor to work us out. We could have just gone out and worked.  

I Bet The Original McDonald's Was Awesome

I imagine every iteration of development away from the original McDonalds got more efficient. It could serve more people faster. For a while it was probably still good. At some point, the original with all its human errors and slowness gave way to the metered efficiency of a mechanized franchise.  Millions served. Billions served.

Student Guitar

Last year I bought a guitar for my birthday. I decided I was going to be consistent about practicing guitar... no matter how shitty I sounded playing. The guitar solid, it’s pretty, it’s bright and it for the most part has been stored away. 

I was however still committed to practicing, which I did with my daughter’s student guitar.  There is rarely a day that I haven’t picked up the guitar since last November.

Waking Up Is Cool, But We Still Have To Live In The World

I take a quantum view. We are all of it. We exist in maya (or illusion) and we exist on the unified field. We experience both duality and non duality. We are infinite beings, that still have to pay bills. We are divine creators, that have to change our kids diapers. We are the light, that still has to say sorry when we are assholes. The practice I teach is not about transcending the body, it's about returning home to the body, while having a multi dimensional experience.


Quotes, Memes, Insta Posts, Gifs, all white flour or vitamins in a plastic bottle. White flour is fine, but like a dessert, small and it’s just part of the meal. Quotes are snacks. A cookie, a cracker, they often make you hungry for more, but more white flour never satisfies.